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قديم 07-17-2010, 08:27 AM
عبد الله بن مسلم عبد الله بن مسلم غير متواجد حالياً
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2009
المشاركات: 5,131
افتراضي What is Permissible In between the Two Khutbas and what should we say?

Shaykh Mashhoor bin Hasan Aal-Salmaan(hafidhahullaah)


What should we say between the two sermons on Friday ?
Should we seek Allaah?s forgiveness (istighfaar) or recite Surah al-Faatihah?

And is it permissible to speak between the two sermons?


Yes, speech is permissible between the two sermons.

The ruling during the khutbah is to be silent ; but as for between the two sermons, there's nothing mentioned in the shariah- so do as you wish.

If you wish to speak, that is up to you and if you wish to remember Allaah, that is up to you. And we do not do anything [specific] in the form of worship (at this time).

As for the hadeeth that says : { When the imaam rises on the pulpit, there is no prayer or speech }

Then the hadeeth is false.[1]

And in the time of 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab, radhiyallaahu 'anhu : the people used to speak -between the two sermons- and he ('Umar) was on the pulpit.

However the danger and harm is to speak and the Imaam is giving the sermon.

As , In the Saheeh ; from the hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah ( radhiyaAllaahu 'anhu ) :
{ If you say to your brother -while the Imaam is giving the sermon on Friday- 'Keep Quiet' , then you (youself) have done a laghw (an evil act). } [2]

So speech is not allowed while the Imaam is giving the sermon.

But when he sits in between the two sermon ; then speaking becomes permissible.

And Allaah knows best.

Shaykh Mashhoor bin Hasan aal-Salmaan

[1] Silsilah adh-Dhaifa : 87
[2] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree [2 : 56]

Source : 100 Fataawa of Shaykh Mashhoor Hasan, Fatwa Number 97

Translation by :Umm 'Aaishah

Translation checked & footnoted by : Aboo Waheeda as-Salafee


قال سفيان الثوري (ت161هـ): "استوصوا بأهل السنة خيرًا؛ فإنهم غرباء"
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